Yoga enhances the awareness of the body and breath and can help you to develop a state of mental calm and emotional stability. Yoga not only helps to lengthen and strengthen your muscles and increase your flexibility, but it is also one of the only things you can do for yourself that will work the outside and inside of your body. Yoga will help to massage your internal organs allowing them to release toxins and help keep you healthier inside and out.
We offer many different levels of yoga to suit most people. The classes we offer are wonderful for anyone who would like to reduce mental and physical stress. Each class will begin with breath-work as we center ourselves and will end with a relaxation mediation. Please wear comfortable clothing and if attending a live class, please bring a yoga mat and any yoga props you may need.
Click here to read more about the benefits of yoga.
Class Preparation
• Refrain from eating or drinking right before a class. Feel free to bring water to your practice though.
• Wear comfortable yet fitted clothing. Nothing restrictive, however, you don’t want oversized clothing to come over your head if you bend forward. Also, be prepared to work in bare feet or socks.
• Try to arrive about 10 minutes before your class time and turn off or silent your cell phone.
• Please refrain from wearing perfumes to class. Some fragrances can be overwhelming to people with sensitivities.
• Don’t worry about your yoga – it is perfect!
• If you have never been to one of our classes, please print out this waiver and bring it with you to class.
Sometimes it’s just hard to get out of the house. Om in Your Home is designed just for this. Enjoy a Basic – Intermediate level yoga class in the privacy and comfort of your own home. Classes are on Wednesday’s at 7:00 p.m.
The Zoom Rate is $10 per session. Register and pay in advance to get your Zoom link to the class. There will be a different link each week so be sure to register in advance.
Purchase a single class here for Wednesday night
Class Preparation for live classes
• Refrain from eating or drinking right before a class. Feel free to bring water to your practice though.
• Wear comfortable yet fitted clothing. Nothing restrictive, however, you don’t want oversized clothing to come over your head if you bend forward. Also, be prepared to work in bare feet or socks.
• Try to arrive about 10 minutes before your class time and turn off or silent your cell phone. (better yet, leave it in the car!)
• Please refrain from wearing perfumes to class. Some fragrances can be overwhelming to people with sensitivities.
• Don’t worry about your yoga – it is perfect!
• If you have never been to one of our classes, please print out this waiver and bring it with you to class.
Please join us for mixed-level yoga for beginner and intermediate students. We will practice stretching which will help tone and strengthen the body. The physical postures we practice will help to improve your circulation, flexibility, stamina, and balance all while centering and connecting the body, mind, and breath. The breathwork we will practice will help to reduce stress and anxiety.
The next 10-week Yoga Series starts on Wednesday, November 11, 2020. The cost is $120 for a 10-week series. Can’t commit to an entire series? Feel free to take an individual class for only $13 per session. You must preregister and prepay for an individual class as space is limited and we follow safety guidelines for COVID-19. You can register for your yoga series online using a Visa or MasterCard through PayPal. To register, please visit our events page.
Center for the Healing Arts is located at Spirit Forge Complex 38245 Mound Rd. Sterling Heights, 48310 This is between 16 & 17-mile roads, on the west side of Mound.Gentle Yoga for Anyone

This class is gentle and is excellent for anyone! Whether you’re new to yoga, haven’t practiced for a while or even for advanced yogi’s who would like to take a more gentle approach to their practice. These gentle stretching exercises inspire and support increased vitality, strength, and flexibility. You’ll need a yoga mat and any yoga props you might use such as a yoga block or a blanket. This class is on Tuesday’s from 11:45 to 12:45.
Please email Jasmin with questions or to register. [email protected]
This class is held at the Center for the Healing Arts which is located at Spirit Forge Complex 38245 Mound Rd. Sterling Heights, between 16 & 17-mile roads, on the west side of Mound.
This is a wonderful way for everyone to experience the benefits of yoga, especially if you face some mobility challenges. The poses are done while you sit in a chair so the pelvis and hips are stabilized, enabling easier movement of the torso and arms. From this stable seat, modifications of many common yoga poses can be done without fear of injury or strain. These poses can bring mobility to all parts of the body in a safe and gentle way, help to clear the mind and relax the body. We start each class with breathing exercises and end it with a relaxation meditation.
Chair Yoga is offered at the following venues…
Fraser Senior Center – Monday & Thursday’s at 10:00 a.m.
Call (586)296-8483 for additional information.
Clinton Township Senior Living Center – $5.00 for walk-in session.
Call (586) 286-9333 to register and for additional information.
Feel free to contact Jasmin Cromwell with any questions or for additional information at (586) 201-0781 or email her at