What Kind of Meditation is Right for You?

What Kind of Meditation is Right for You?

There are so many different forms of meditation, it’s hard to know which one will be right for you. The good news is, you don’t have to practice just one form. I personally, after almost 50 years of practicing meditation, do not just practice one type of meditation. I think when one is first starting out with their practice, it would be best to be consistent with the same practice. Perhaps until you are able to establish a daily practice, one that you feel comfortable with, you should stick with one form of meditation. Then, when you are able to make a daily commitment, you can start to introduce other forms of mediation.

Mantra or breath counting, mindfulness, and guided meditation are three that are easy to practice and can be incorporated into your daily life. Take a moment to find out more about these forms of meditation. There are many books you can read to help you along. If you are in the Metro-Detroit area, check our Meditation page to see where we offer classes you can take that will help you establish a daily practice.

Making your practice a part of your daily life is very important, so anything you can do to help establish one would be the most beneficial. Don’t be discouraged if you miss a day or if your practice doesn’t feel like it “worked”. Any time you sit to meditate helps to establish a habit and creates the cumulation of the practice of meditation – in other words, it’s still “working” and changing our brain and the unconscious mind. All forms of meditation will benefit you, so whatever you chose to practice, for that practice, is the right one for you.