Gentle Yoga Flow for Everyday

Aug 17, 2013

Gentle Yoga Flow for Everyday

A weekly yoga practice with a yoga instructor is great! I hope everyone is dong that. But practicing yoga everyday at home is really where you get benefits. Here is a very gentle practice that you can do everyday on your own. This practice is suitable for just about anyone.

Easy Seated Pose – Focus on your breath. Center yourself. Calm your body and your mind. Stay here for about 2 minutes.
Cat/Cow Pose – Close your eyes while you practice this flow and really feel the articulation of your spine. Practice 5 or more rounds.
Half Sun Salutation –  These are gentle yet get you moving. Practice 4 – 10 of them.
Tree Pose – This pose will help with your balance and if you take your arms overhead, helps strengthen your core. Be sure to do both sides.
Boat Pose – To continue strengthening your core, practice a few of these. In between, come to a seated forward bend to stretch the spine.
Seated Spinal Twist –  This pose will help to boost your metabolism and helps to squeeze internal organs, which will release toxins. Go in both directions.
Bridge Pose –  Helps to calm the brain and is actually known to help with mild depression. Practice a couple of times and squeeze knees to chest in between.
Savasana –  This can actually be challenging but take the time to rest here so you can rejuvenate yourself for your day!
